
Showing posts from November, 2018

CESH Of The Century!

You might've read my previous article on common tone diminished chords (a secret technique to spice up your chord progressions) .  If not, click here to check it out!  The following is a continuation of that article. The year is 2018 and everyone is talking about the B-flat Major7 chord with a C in the bass. Is it a 9th chord in 1st inversion or a sus 13th chord? It's the 2k18 sound . Who cares! I'm more concerned about CESH. CESH is just a fancy acronym for Chromatic Embellishment of Static Harmony . You every read through a boring chart that is something like G7 for 4 bars, followed by C7 for 4 bars? CESH is a way of embellishing such a progression so that one doesn't fall asleep on the gig. While working on common tone diminished chords for my previous article, I realized that chords like these were an effective tool for incorporating CESH. Let's start with a G7 chord: Ex 1: G7 Boring, huh? There's a few different ways of making it more interes...