How to Practice Triads
Most guitarists practice plenty of scales and exercises, maybe even some arpeggios, on a daily basis. One of the often overlooked aspects of guitar study is the acquaintance with the triads across the fingerboard. Soon after I initiated my quest to discover the secrets hidden within the fretboard, I realized the importance of triads, the building block of common practice harmony. My first instinct was to practice triads in conjunction with scales in every key (even the flat keys!). This quickly became an arduous process as each key has 7 triads, 3 inversions of each; there are 24 keys, and on top of that, 4 string sets (adjacent groupings of strings)! That's over 2,000 individual chords to play and doesn't even touch on the split voicings, in which strings are skipped. To practice this everyday is way too ambitious and leaves no time to play MUSIC! My light-bulb moment was when one of my guitar professors at school handed out a glorious sheet on triads to the students. It...